Military spouses often face the challenge of finding employment every few years after a PCS move. For some spouses, extra income or “fun money” is all they need. Sometimes stay-at-home moms enjoy having a small at-home business to earn extra income and to get out of the house for more socializing and adult time. From direct sales to starting a small business,opportunitiesare endless. MilPrenuers: militaryentrepreneursare the result of dedication and PCS frustration. CHECK OUT STACIE'S PROFILE ON MILITARY TOWN ADVISOR Stacie Watts,REALTOR The Real Estate Group 1112-F Eden Way N Chesapeake, VA ... read more
Blog Posts tagged in "Military-Friendly Realtor"

Moving to a new duty station can be daunting. Who am I kidding, it IS daunting! Leaving a duty station and needing to sell your home is also a daunting task. A True Military Friendly Realtor in Jacksonville This scenario is exactly how I met Dana Merrill . We had built our house in 2005 when the market was on fire. 3 years later it was now 2008 and the housing market had tanked. It was awful. Dana was our realtor during this time. We luckily fell into the group of people that the HAP (Housing Assistance Program) had been expanded to help. Selling a house with HAP was new to us and to Dana. ... read more
When we moved to our suburban neighborhood outside of Washington DC we knew one person. I felt lucky to move to a place where I knew at least one person. At that point we had been married in the Navy for 13 years. By then you know a friend of a friend everywhere you go. Now you can know a friend of a friend , let me introduce you to my friend Wendy Joachim. Why Wendy's a True Military Friendly Realtor in DC Wendy is my friend, neighbor, fellow parent at our children's school, fellow military wife , and realtor . She has one of the warmest friendliest smiles and always makes me feel like she t... read more
When we received our orders for The Pentagon I began to search for a place to live . Needless to say the house search was overwhelming! Washington DC and its surrounding suburbs are huge! How was one Navy wife supposed to figure this out? Luckily I had a dear friend who was able to help me out. You need a friend too and today is your lucky day because I'm introducing you to Catherine Jouet . Meet Catherine: A True Military Friendly Realtor in DC Catherine is a local realtor who used to live in Washington DC and she and her family now reside in Alexandria. Catherine is also my own real estate ... read more

What's the difference between a 'military friendly' REALTORand a REALTORwho is 'friendly to the military?' I think EVERY REALTORwould classify themselves as a 'friendly to the military' REALTOR, but there is a lot more that goes into it than just saying you LOVE the military. Military families are different clients with different needs! A true military friendly REALTOR must understand the needs of a military family during their house hunting phase and understand their accelerated timeline. Click for a list of military friendly REALTORs What makes a military client different? 1. Accelerated Ti... read more